Thank you for registering!
There's just a few things we need you to do:
1) Make sure you fill out your paypal information!!
- We pay out our affiliate's the first week of the month via paypal (for the previous month's earnings)
- Once you reach $10.00 of earnings, you will receive a payout.
2) Come and join our affiliate facebook group. We provide you with pre-made posts and stories to share in your social media for our affiliate's to help promote Hello Storyteller. The more you get the word out there, and share your link, the more potential you have to earn!
3) Share! Share! Share!
- If you are signing up to be an affiliate, we hope that you love our community and are willing to share about it. If you have taken an elective course or workshop, share about your experience. If you are in other groups or communities and other photographers are looking for communities to join, feel free to tag our instagram hub @hellostoryteller, facebook group: href or just share your link - it will send them directly to our website!
Thank you so much!!
Login with your admin account if you wish to re-open your affiliate program.