Welcome to the OLAPLEX Professional Stylist Affiliate Program!


Terms of Use and Privacy Statement

In order to participate in the Stylist Affiliate Program you must have an OLAPLEX Pro account and must be a US resident. You will receive 30% commission (subject to change) on qualifying orders (excluding taxes and shipping) placed via your affiliate link or orders that use your personal discount code (if given a personal discount code). You will not receive double commission on orders that were placed using both your affiliate link and your personal discount code. Commission valid only on orders placed on olaplex.com. Commission cannot be applied to previous purchases. Commission applies to authorized purchases only, and will not apply to returned products. Only authorized orders will be processed and shipped. Olaplex reserves the right to cancel any order due to unauthorized, altered, or ineligible use of affiliate links or discounts codes and to modify or cancel any commissions due to fraud, system error or unforeseen problems.  Commissions on qualifying purchases will be paid within 60 days of authorized order shipment. Olaplex reserves the right to modify or cancel the Stylist Affiliate Program at any time, and remove Pro accounts for fraud or misuse. Other restrictions may apply.