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Affiliate Registration

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Share your love for GotCurves to your followers, friends & family - and CASH IN! With our affiliate program, you make 15% of each sale that is made through your affiliate link, or promo code! 

How does it work?

LINK: When you register for the program, we provide you a unique link to our online store that links back to you. Post that link to social media, or give it to anyone that asks where you can get beautiful, size-friendly lingerie! When that person goes through your link and makes their first purchase with us within 7 days, we'll award you 15% of that sale! Easy as pie (mmmm... pie...)  

PROMO CODE: If you prefer to set up a customized promo code to offer your friends & followers a discount (as well as receive commission whenever a first-time buyer uses it), please respond to the welcome email following registration and we'll set you up! There is no 7-day time limit on promo codes. Promo codes provide a whopping 25% off to the buyer!

How should I promote this? 

Some people share their affiliate link directly on their social profiles, or on stories with a swipe up option. Others have it set up on a linktree account, so the link can be accessed at any time! Promo codes make things a bit easier, where you can simply provide the one-time use code to anyone directly, or post it in comments or captions on social media.

More info on how to set this up will be emailed to you upon registration!