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Affiliate Registration

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Must be 6 or more characters and contain at least 1 letter, 1 number and 1 special character (! $ # - .)

Fields marked with * are mandatory


Thank you for registering as an Affiliate.  You soon will be earning commission simply by adding links to our site from yours.  It is important you read and understand all Affiliate Rules as breaking the rules will result in immediate cancellation of your Affiliate Account.

All fields are mandatory other than "Company".

All Payments will be made through PayPal Only.  By paying through PayPal, all required IRS forms will be handled by them.  You must have a Verified PayPal Account.  We only allow a email change to your account once a year, and all affiliates can only have One Account.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Affiliate agrees not to represent themselves in any way as being M4 Resale (M4 Products, M4 LED Products,  Affiliate is not an Authorized Sales Representative of and the company bears no responsibility of promises may by affiliates.
  • Affiliate agrees that they are providing advertising for and earnings are based on net sales performance of this advertising.
  • Affiliate agrees not to use any unsolicited mass email advertising tactics (spam) with affiliate links.  Targeted email distribution is acceptable and banners on newsletters are acceptable.
  • Affiliate may not use ads on "Coupon Sites" when no coupon is provided or a misrepresentation of a coupon is stated or insinuated.
  • Affiliate agrees not to use deceptive website practices with affiliate links (false pages, pop ups, etc.).
  • reserves the right to immediately sever any affiliate relationship if such email or advertising practices are utilized and commission earned from such practices will not be paid.
  • Commission is earned at a rate of 5% of net product sales (excluding shipping charges). (Rate increased from 4 to 5% 12/10/21)
  • Affiliate Links cannot be used by Wholesale Customers or Dealer that received deep Wholesale Discount.
  • Cancelled customer orders and Returns (full or partial) shall result in a commission deduction at the same rate.
  • Commissions are paid out quarterly 30 days after the previous quarter closing.
  • Questionable commission earnings (abnormal quantities, customers) may be held for an additional 30 days to ensure orders are not fraudulent nor result in excessive charge-backs.
  • The minimum payout is $50 USD.  Balance below $50 -may- be carried to the next quarter but will be paid annually regardless of balance. may choose to make payouts sooner at lesser amounts on our own discretion.
  • If a customer uses both an Affiliate Link and an Affiliate Coupon Code on an order, the sale is accredited to the Affiliate Coupon Code (takes priority) and not the Affiliate Link.
  • Affiliate must have a Verified PayPal Account.
  • Affiliate may only have One Affiliate Account.
  • Affiliate may change their email address no more than Once in 12 Months.
Please direct any questions to