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Ambassador Registration

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We love working with our brand ambassadors to help spread the word about our awesome products that we offer at incredibly low prices. We believe that word of mouth marketing is the best kind, and we make it a priority to pay back those who help promote our small growing company. By becoming a Free Sunshields brand ambassador you will not only get a percentage of each referring sale, you will also be eligible for exclusive discounts on our products. Thank you for choosing to be part of our team. We look forward to working with you!

- Team Free Sunshields


CONVERSION ACTION: Online purchase with processed valid payment

COOKIE DAYS: 30 day(s)

COMMISSON TYPE: Percent of Sale


ADDITIONAL TERMS: Commissions are based on 10% of total sale referred, less shipping and tax. Commissions are paid out on a monthly basis at the first of each month. A minimum commission of $25 is required for payout. We do not pay commissions on orders associated with affiliate email or address.

HOW ARE PAYMENTS MADE? Payments will be made the first of each month through Paypal, as long as you meet the minimum payout of $25 for that month.