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Affiliate Registration

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Must be 6 or more characters and contain at least 1 letter, 1 number and 1 special character (! $ # - .)

Fields marked with * are mandatory


Do you use our products and love them? Would you like to make a little extra cash on the side? Become an affiliate and you can make money from sharing the Nurture love!

Fill out the form below. If we choose you as an affiliate, we will send you a unique link that you can use to earn 7% on all sales from that link. How awesome is that?

The entire process is super easy. If you refer or recommend our products already, this is a great way to put a little extra $$$ in your pocket. We benefit from making more people aware of the products we carry. It's a win-win!

  • You must include at least one social link to be considered for our affiliate program. When supplying the social link, please provide the direct link and not just the user/company name. For example, instead of nurture soap send If this type of link is not submitted, you will not be approved. You can submit an application again with the correct information.
  • If you have been approved as a nurture soap affiliate, we will send an approval email within one week. We typically process applications on Monday mornings.
  • It is very helpful to see something you made with one of our products. If you have a specific product as an example, please make a note of the product in the comments section.
  • Payments are made via PayPal. You will need a PayPal email address in order to receive payment.
  • If accepted, we will send you a unique link that can be clicked as a referral link. This link tracks all orders made from your referral. You will be able to track orders made from your link in our affiliate admin.
  • If accepted, you will receive 7% of all sales made from your unique referral link.
  • The more information you provide, the more likely it is you will be accepted.
  • Upon acceptance, you will receive an email with your unique affiliate details. You will not receive an email if you are not accepted.
  • Affiliate accounts that are inactive for 3 months or more will be deactivated. This helps us better take care of our active affiliates.
  • If you have any questions about the affiliate program please email us at