Welcome to our Affiliate Program!

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Affiliate Registration

Scroll to the bottom of the page for further details
Must be 6 or more characters and contain at least 1 letter, 1 number and 1 special character (! $ # - .)

You must fill at least one field for website or social site

Fields marked with * are mandatory


Our Mission

A unit study works by capturing a child’s attention and helping them understand the pieces of the whole as they fit together. Our goal is to help children become self-motivated learners, eager to explore God’s creation.

Our Affiliate Program offers:

★ 25% commission / 90-day "last click" cookie
★ Ready-to-embed banners for shareable resources
★ Easy customization with an automated link creation tool
★ Real-time tracking of affiliate traffic and earnings
★ Product review and giveaway opportunities for active affiliates
★ Exclusive promotional opportunities
★ Knowledgeable, individualized support

Ready to Enroll?

Fill out the provided form. We will review your information and approve your account within 1-2 business days.

Have Questions?

Email us at affiliates@unitstudy.com. We'll get back in touch as soon as we can!

See the FAQ page