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ILGM Affiliate program: earn money for helping us grow!

By promoting us online you receive a part of the revenue when someone buys from us, through your efforts. 

Enter your name, email and website or social media profile, and click REGISTER to get started. After we have reviewed your application, you are good to go.

How does it work?

Once you're signed up you will find links and banners that have your personal affiliate ID attached to them.
Share these links and banners online, on your website, social media, email or other channels, and send as much traffic to our sites and products as you can. Every sale that is made in our store from your traffic nets you 20% commission!

If people are not buying immediately, that's no problem. We track that the user came through your affiliate link. When someone buys within 90 days of using your link you still get your deserved commission.

What's the catch?

No catch!

Well.. you just have to do the promotion.

* Our program is free to join, it's easy to sign-up and requires no technical knowledge.
* Get $10 just for signing up!
* Login to check your stats and see how you are performing.
* Receive regular updates about new products, banners and promotions.

Please note, coupon-based promotion sites are not appreciated and will be suspended.
* No Coupon sites
* No traffic exchanges
* No bulk untargeted traffic from "free traffic" types of sites

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question, our affiliate team is on stand-by and responds within 24 hours on weekdays.

Lots of love,

ILGM Affiliate team