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Thank you for your interest in becoming an affiliate of Jernigan Nutraceuticals!

As an affiliate, customers using your code to place their order will receive FREE shipping on their order (applies to US domestic orders only). You may distribute your coupon code to strangers, friends, family, coworkers, and clients-- whoever you think it may benefit. You will receive 25% commission of each sale made using your desired coupon code (before S&H and Tax)

A few things to know:

  • Affiliates CANNOT use a coupon code owned by themselves or any other affiliate to place an order
  • Free shipping is applied only to orders shipped WITHIN the United States
  • Coupons belonging to International Affiliates will provide their referrals with a $10 discount instead of free shipping
  • All commissioned payments are made on the first Monday of the following month via PAYPAL
  • Affiliates do not receive payments for any referred JN Bundle Offer purchases, as they are already significantly discounted