Welcome, we are excited to add you to our group of affiliates. You promote PupRwear, and earn CASH! It's free to join.
Welcome to PupRwear;s affiliate program! Your success is our success. Thank your for your interest in earning some extra cash and promoting PupRwear.
We have made several banners you can use, or you can make your own. Click on the
Banner Tab
and select one. Advise us if you would like a custom size or product banner.
We pay thru Paypal
. Please set up your email info under the Profile page, scroll down to
Payment by No Payment method has been chosen
, click on MORE INFO (blue box) Select Paypal, then enter your Paypal Email info.
Do not enter password info. Click Save
If you need assistance, please contact us at puprwear@aim.com with a heading "AFFILIATE HELP NEEDED". I'm sure your Spam and Advertising emails are a battle. We try to clean our email regularly, if we don't respond, you can also call us at 505-891-9244 - 9 am - 5 pm MT. M-F. We are usually available on the weekends by email.
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