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Affiliate Registration

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Become a SuperSpeed Affiliate Today!

SuperSpeed Golf is pleased to offer our new and refreshed Affiliate Program. Becoming an affiliate is a free and easy way to grow your own brand alongside ours.

Benefits include:
- 10% commission on all sales referred and completed
- Custom creatives and marketing materials
- Free and easy way to align your business with the #1 Overspeed Training System
- Opportunity to be included in our live and new SuperSpeed Workshop Series

Please follow the instructions to register and include a note on how you plan to promote SuperSpeed. When your application is received, it will be reviewed by our team. Once you have been approved you will have access to your own tracking link and customizable code. You will earn 10% commission on all referrals sales completed that you produce through your affiliate link or code. These commissions will be paid directly to your PayPal account the first week of each month.

As an affiliate, you will receive access to custom creatives that can be used in your newsletters, digital marketing and website or blog. By using your own tracking link or code, you can incorporate these creatives to easily refer clients to SuperSpeed Golf. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at