Affiliate center
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Le mot de passe doit comporter au moins 6 caractères et au moins 1 chiffre, 1 lettre et 1 caractère spécial (! $ # - .).

Vous devez renseigner au moins un champ pour le site ou le réseau social

Les champs marqués d'une * sont obligatoires


Register here for your affiliate account at the shop.
Affiliates receive 10% commission on the actual price paid by referred customers.
Pay-outs are monthly via PayPal, so please make sure to add your account when you sign up. 
*Note: if an order or item is refunded, you will be able to see that also.

Your account will be reviewed and approved on a rolling basis, and once approved you will be notified by email and can start using your links!

Please contact us directly if you would like to discuss offering a special coupon code to your followers, if you would like specific products to show on your social influencer account, or if you have any other fun ideas to promote our products!