Q - Where should I place my links to Mad Micas products?
A - Links should appear along with any posts or videos in which you feature Mad Micas products. We recommend linking directly to the product that you have used to make it easy for people to purchase the product.
These links can appear on your social media feeds, web site, or articles; wherever you have been discussing our products. Do NOT spam groups with links to our site, or link to products that you have not used and cannot vouch for. Doing so undercuts your and our credibility and will be cause for removal from our program and forfeiture of any commissions earned through those means.
Q - Can I purchase search engine ads and point them to madmicas.com to earn commissions?
A - Purchasing search engine ads, or ads of ANY kind, to generate inbound traffic with your affiliate information is strictly forbidden. Link farms and other content aggregators are also off limits, sorry. Any infraction of this rule will result in immediate termination of your account and forfeiture of ALL commissions you have earned regardless of how they were earned.
Q - What sort of content should I link from?
A - The BEST sort of content for a post to link from is your original content, talking about your honest experiences with our products. YouTube videos work great for this, as they allow for direct links to content below the videos. Posts on you blog or website are also great!
Q - Can I re-post photos from the Mad Micas Instagram feed to use as content to refer links from?
A - No. Please do not use our Instagram feed like that. It gives the impression that we are spamming and won't do any of us any good (and may result in removal from the program). See the previous question for our suggestions.
Q - When and how will I get paid?
A - You'll be paid via PayPal once you've reached the threshold of earnings. We have set the default minimum to $25, but you can set it as high as you wish.
Q - Am I required to pay taxes on my earnings?
We can't give you advice about taxes. However, if your earnings exceed $600 in one calendar year, we are required by law to issue you a 1099 and report your earnings to the IRS. For this reason, we may require that affiliates fill out a W-9 before being paid.
Q - Do I need to get a minimum number of people to buy from or visit the Mad Micas site in order to stay an affiliate?
A - Strictly speaking, no. However, if your account is inactive for 120 days (we define "inactive" as having not reached the $25 threshold for payment in any 120-day period), we may choose to deactivate it. Because we are only able to pay commissions once your earnings have reached $25, if your account is deactivated due to inactivity any commissions earned under $25 will be forfeited.
Q - How's the weather in Florida?
A - It changes a lot. Super-nice in the winter, but a bit... moist in the summer.
Q - Whom should I contact if I have questions?
A - You can reach out to karyn@madmicas.com if you have any questions at all.