Development update – April 2024

Greetings to our highly appreciated community!

As always, we are exhaustively working to make the best tool for you and continue being an incredible ally to grow your business. Here are the highlights of the results we bring you from our development in April:


1. The new dashboard for all design version 2 users

We told you we’ve heard all of your desires for a renewed interface and we promised the renewed styles were only the beginning. An update on the layout is coming to you with informational cards reporting the important status information about your affiliate program.


2. Detailed reports of newly registered affiliates and active affiliates

Our most recent addition is two new reports available from the dashboard cards for active affiliates and newly registered ones. For each of them you’ll have a “See detailed” link that will serve you as quick access these reports.

newly registered users

newly registered users report details


active affiliates report details


Rest assured. We’ll bring more to continue building a dashboard that raises your efficiency to the next level!

3. Support for the new Klaviyo API changes

We have updated our integration with Klaviyo to be compliant with the API version 2024-02-1 which is the latest stable version. We don’t have to go deep into development details but this will allow us to stay fully functional and compatible with them to provide you a stable integration.

klaviyo api 2-2024

Thank you for reading and if in any case you need help with Affiliatly our wonderful support team is waiting to read your message.


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