Development update – April 2024

Greetings to our highly appreciated community! As always, we are exhaustively working to make the best tool for you and continue being an incredible ally to grow your business. Here are the highlights of the results we bring you from our development in April:   1. The new dashboard for all design version 2 users …

Development update – New year 2023

Hello dear community! Let’s get started by wishing you a wonderful 2023. Our efforts to bring you persistent improvements of our service don’t stop. Today we bring you our latest achievements since the last time you heard from us: Admins can now set “Buy X Get Y“ type of discount for the automatic created coupon …

New features – February 2022

This year we’ve been quiet so far but only because we were working hard on further improvements and new features for you. Read ahead and find out what’s new at Affiliatly.   1. New support button   After our Knowledge Base release, we’ve also created a new way for you to find support with our …

New features – December 2021

It has been an exciting year for all of us! We are very grateful for every single customer and will continue improving our app in the next year even further to ensure the best affiliate marketing experience. Read on to find out what has been going on at Affiliatly. 1. New search field for associated customer …

New features – October 2021

In the last couple of months, we’ve been working a lot @ Affiliatly. Apple’s new privacy feature pushed us to make changes to the tracking code and some options had to be restricted. We gave everything to find the best workaround and also released further improvements. Read on to find out what has been going …

New features – May 2021

Hello everyone! Last month we took a break from blogging about new features but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been working on any. Quite the reverse! Read on to find out what has been going on at Affiliatly. 1. New variables We separated the variable ‘@affiliate_name@’ into ‘@affiliate_first_name@‘ and ‘@affiliate_last_name@’ which gives you the possibility …

New features – February 2021

Hello everyone! February was another busy month for the Affiliatly team as we are dedicated to constantly improve the user experience for our loyal affiliate enthusiasts. Today we have these 3 new features for you: 1. Design changes to the Email Notification Settings We updated the page Settings > Email Notifications (formally ‘Notifications’) and made …